If you are anything like us, the organization of gear is one of the biggest challenges you must face when packing. In our efforts to integrate more ease of use into our packing system, Black Thunder Gear has developed the 1/4 Cube and 1/8 Cube. These gear bags are used to pack away medium to small items such as bowls, plates, utensils, cooking supplies, or anything else you could imagine. The possibilities really are endless. The 1/4 Cube bag is designed to perfectly fit four into one pannier (1/8 Cube fits eight). When designing these bags, we wanted to include ways to quickly and easily identify what is in each bag, so we decided to add vibrant colors to the top of the bag. We also included a 3x5-inch slot to hold a notecard that says what is in each bag.
Take your backcountry organization to the next level and order yourself some Cube Packing & Organizing Bags now!
- 400D urethane-coated nylon packcloth
- Colored top for easy identification
- 3/4-inch webbing handle
- 3x5 inch postcard identification slot
- Bound and double stitched inside seams
1/4 Cube
- 9" x 9" x9"
- 729 cubic inches
- 11.9 L