Checkout Black Thunder’s new training and condition Llama saddle. This saddle is a striped down version of our more robust frame and padded with complete rigging. It is simple with two pads, a front cinch, and breast collar. The saddle even comes with a pair of small 10” x 9” x 13” panniers. These panniers are meant to carry really light weight items like jacket, water bottle and a few snacks. Perfect for day hikes.
The saddle is a soft training/conditioning saddle with no real frame. The soft saddle is nice because it’s safer to use when training llamas to accept the saddle. Sometimes they’ll buck around which can cause the saddle to come flying on g off. Sometimes at you. There’s no metal or wooden parts, hooks or horns to stab you, get your finger or hand to get caught on if a llama is scared and nervous about being saddled.
The front cinch is setup like our frame saddle and should fit snug making sure there is equal distance on either side from ring to buckle.
The breast collar helps keep the saddle in place and help prevent it from sliding back should a llama come to an abrupt halt or decide to pull and run backwards.
The rear of the saddle has a quick release panic snap that allows you to string llamas together.
This setup is nice because it allows you to quickly saddle and go on a day hike with friends and multiple llamas. If for some reason one person had to take all the llamas in one string (think bad weather, or injury to handler, etc… ), you could quickly string them together.
The small 10” x 9” x 13” panniers made out of 550D packcloth are a great addition since we all like to take friends and family on day hikes with our llamas. Now they can have a place for their jackets, water bottle, sun protection and insect protection.