The personal organization bag that is inspired by organizing the unorganized.
We have been using these bags for 15 years to keep our own gear organized. Since they are square sided and rectangular in shape there is no wasted space. With the flared opening it allows the user to pack it full but still be able to close the heavy weight zipper.
When we go on any trip we require everyone to have one of these Shoshone Gear Bag. Each person is allowed to bring anything they can fit in one bag for a multi-day trip. You will find these bags being a staple not only on your backcountry trips but also day to day use for other needs. We personally use one from ice fishing trips to road trips.
- 400D urethane-coated nylon packcloth- Colored top for easy identification
- 3/4-inch webbing handle
- 3x5 inch postcard identification slot
- Bound and double stitched inside seams
3/4 Width of Pannier - 10" x 10" x 17" - 1700 cubic inches - 27L |
Full Width of Pannier - 10" x 10" x 19" - 1900 cubic inches - 31L |